Sunday, November 13, 2011

Summary of Oracle Day Lithuania 2011

First of all, I would like to say a big thank you for all of you that came to my presentation. The audience hall wasn't big, maybe that was the reason why it was full. :)
Thus, following such a nice day, for those that were not able to come or chose alternative Oracle session, I would like to summarize the whole presentation in three schemes here.

1. The Hype Cycle
You have probably seen this picture before, nevertheless, I just want to point here out that we are still on the top of the hill of enthusiastic expectations about Cloud Computing. So, just please ignore all the hype about that, be patient until it stabilizes (same as SOA did).

2. The Service Scaling
Based on book “Cloud Computing and SOA Convergence in Your Enterprise, A Step-By- Step Guide" by David S. Linthicum, I have presented a recommended path for diving into the Cloud having a stable enterprise architecture on SOA background.
So, as you see in a picture below, David Linthicum first of all recommends identifying the services that could be deployed outside the enterprise firewalls and only after then deciding the exact plan for Cloud deployment.

For more information on this, you can read here.

3. The architecture level scaling
Going deeper into this subject and trying to find another option for Cloud, I have figured out that Cloud could be reached, as well, with an architecture layer scaling (my thoughts are presented more precisely in the picture below).

As you see, this is another option for safe (or with a small step-by-step) switch to the Cloud that could be accomplished through an architecture presentation layer scaling. This is not the best way for going to the Cloud but it is worth considering, especially when your architecture has a clear division among the architecture layers.

During the presentation I have also stated that Oracle is not yet ready for Public Cloud, analogical thought was stated a few days ago by Vesterli as well.